Pioneer Athletics
Duchesne High School
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey
3.0 months ago by Bill Kuhn
The Duchesne Pioneer Ice Hockey Team opens up play over the next few weeks as they will take part in the annual St. Chuck Cup Tournament. This is a ten team tournament that features all of the teams represented in St. Charles County.
Duchesne opens up play on Monday Night, Sept. 30 at 9:20pm and they will host the Ft. Zumwalt West Jaguars. Both Duchesne and FZ West have won a State Championship in the past five years, so the matchup should be a good one. There are three other games scheduled for the round robin portion of the tournament. Those games and times are as follows -
Thursday, Oct. 3 @7:10pm vs Timberland High School - Wentzville Ice Arena
Thursday, Oct. 10 @7:10pm vs. Francis Howell High School - Wentzville Ice Arena
Sunday, Oct. 13 @7:10pm vs. Holt High School - Wentzville Ice Arena
The team would love to see Pioneer Nation in full force at the games so think about coming out and attending a game or two. Cost is $5 at the door - far less than a Blues game and the concessions are about 1/8 of the cost of a Blues game as well. So, come on out and support your Pioneer Ice Hockey Team!