
Updated on 11/06/2023
Dear Parents of Winter Athletes,
Please join us on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, for our winter sports “Meet the Coaches Night” at 5:00 p.m. in the Duchesne cafeteria. This meeting will be for any parent with a child participating in basketball or swimming. Our Duchesne Athletic Boosters will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and beverages for the parents.
We will start in the cafeteria, where I will address the parents on general athletic protocols, including presentations from our athletic trainer, marketing director, and booster club president. Parents will also have the opportunity to complete the required paperwork and turn in athletic participation fees to Mrs. Fuchs. The meeting will conclude with a classroom breakout session where parents will meet their respective basketball and swimming coaches. This is a great opportunity to hear from our coaches on expectations and goals for the upcoming winter season.
Once the coaches wrap up their meetings with their parents, a basketball scrimmage is planned with the girls taking the floor first, followed by the boy’s team. All parents are welcome to attend the scrimmage.
Thank you for your continued support of our athletic program, and we'll see many of you this Wednesday, November 8th.
Paul Boschert
Athletic Director